Somehow it came up over the last few days about “curses” and “blessings” from God. I enjoy the discussions that weave in how God works and how the Creator chooses to operate in magnificence and grace. One of the ways most people think that He (or for some She) works is in blessing people and their descendants and/or by cursing individuals and their children. I cannot quote the scripture (someone please help me out?) but I do recall that curses last a long time but blessings run their course for even longer.
To me the idea of this is best explained not by what God gives, but by what we give ourselves. Not only are these words a… notice from God about what He will do, it is also a warning to The Children about what they can do. Now, that is not the same as saying that God does not act, but it is saying that blessings and curses not only come from God, but most of all come from within us. When a father beats a mother… there is a child watching and taking observations. When there is a grandmother who takes in orphaned and injured animals… there is a little girl from across the street taking in the experience alongside her. When we’re at work, someone watches if we tip extra or if we steal the sugar packets.
We teach and we pass on our souls. We give and receive our inmost feelings and actions and those around us see the blessings we give to others… and they see the curses as well. We can destroy the world by our example, or we can aid for generations to come.
Remember, “out of 100 people, one will read the bible, ninety-nine will read the Christian” (from Minister Tim Kowalski).
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