Monday, September 26, 2011

Do It Right

Here in the real world…

Thankfully this academic week is pretty easy schmeasy.  I only had one English class, today, and it was a mid-term exam.  It is a small grade per the entire course and I think I did okay on the paper we had to revise. We had written a paper in the first week of class and today’s test was on revision of ideas.  I kinda think I did better the first time… but I hope not!  Spanish was decent and nothing big there either, Modern Philosophy is normal, and Greek is not expected to throw any curveballs, except perhaps a quiz on Thursday.  Freshman Seminar has no homework until next week- SO I get to catch up, get ahead, and breathe.  It feels nice to do that every now and then.

So this week, with all my extra spare time, I am filling it (mostly) with hat making.  I really enjoy the knitting of the hats as it is not only calming but very productive.  Right now I am in a race against the clock to finish as many of these hats in maroon and gold for Saturday’s homecoming game!  I hope to finish five before Saturday, which is $50 for the Eureka Heart House as well as five hats displaying that good ole Eureka pride.

My dearest Meme has had an interesting role in this.  Meme crocheted afghans at the earliest I can remember (she stopped after I was about five or so) and had lots of advice.  Her most important was, “If you screw up, go back and fix it.  If you’re gonna do, make sure you do it right!”

My, “It’s only charity!” excuse didn’t fly with her.  After I digested what she told me, I discerned her to be right (Meme- I don’t say it often, keep this comment near and dear to your heart).  So the hat I was working on soon became garbage when I noticed that I skipped three stiches down towards the bottom.  It didn’t become garbage until I tried to “fix” it and the hat became unraveled.  Oh the trials and tribulations of learning a new craft!

It rained here considerably today.  I feel bad when the folks here go complaining about it, knowing how many farmers in Oklahoma need the rain like most people need a paycheck.  If you, my blogging community, could, please keep praying for rain.  Also, please pray for Kathy Standridge and Chitwood Farms, because they have been holding out for some of “that wet stuff from the sky” and I know they are hurting bad for it. 

That is all from my lofty position in Darst 202.  Have a wonderful day/night and remember- if you want/need a hat- I can make it with my hands and love for the low low price of $10!!!  Start thinking of Christmas now!


  1. Hmmm if you are goibg to do it do it right. Now where have I heard these words before? Oh yeah, my Mom!!!!!!!!! Is always hard to tell'em they were right isn't it?

  2. If we would, all, follow that advice. I heard it from my mother time and time again.
