Monday, September 12, 2011

The Kink In My Plan

Today has been a good day insofar.  The Campus Activities Board brought in “Wax to the Max” which is a free craft for students to participate in.  Basically, you dunk your hand(s) into warm wax and it holds a pose.  For my hand I did a jolly Oklahoma “OK”. 

I tried to get creative and do it in multiple colors, but I failed.

Other than that, classes went swimmingly and I think I may have my HELM project in the works.  I’m pretty sure it will be similar to Last Sunday Supper, but it may take on a more environmental and health conscious mission. 

The only “kink” comes in the form of a letter.  As some of you may remember, over Labor Day I visited the First Christian Church of Pontiac (following worship I went to the Threshermen’s Parade).  Today I received a letter from the minister, Pastor Jerry, in which he not only invited me to come back, but asked that I come to Sunday School to share with the class my “presence and perspectives”.  He’s really a swell guy, but to prove his intent, he wrote that he would ensure that the cost of gas would be reimbursed.

So what do I do?  I have a church that would benefit exponentially from my presence; however, I decided weeks ago not to settle down until I completed my entire list of 23 churches (which I didn’t get to work on this Sunday, I went to Eureka Christian Church’s “First Light” service at 8:15).  Do I quit my list?  Do I decline to Pastor Jerry?  Do I compromise and go to Pontiac on a semi-regular basis? 

SO!  I actually need advice… as much as you want to give, and as many people want to give it, I’ll certainly take it!  I’m torn between what I want, what my true goal is, what they need, and most of all what God wants me to do in this situation. 

It’s not a crisis by any means, indeed, it is a good thing!  I just would appreciate a little opinion.

Although I will say that if all churches were so giving and friendly, it might make a difference.  Inviting someone to the parade, or to lunch, or just to be a part of your family is what makes them part of your family.  Just as we love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19), they might love if we first love them.  Food for thought. 


  1. I think you should go to First Christian Church of Pontiac next Sunday. You never know what that might lead to. You don't have to quit on your list. You have four years to visit all 23 churches.

  2. I agree with Meme, go back to Pontiac. However, do not abandon you goal to attend the 23 churches. You need to check them all out. Remember, God has a plan for you.

  3. By the way, the hand is kinda fun and kinda "creepy".

  4. Take the preacher up on his offer after you visit all 23. That was a goal you had first.
    He saw in you what we all know. Let others in those 23 see you too. Then go back.
    You will know then that you have made a decision for the rest of your college years. God speed on your own decision, but thanks for letting us tell you what we think.:)

  5. I love that you have a goal to see all 23 churches. You do have time to visit all of those churches, and time to visit each/all of them again.

    The main question is, how did YOU feel at Pontiac? Not just what can you do for them, what did YOUR heart gain by being part of that congregation?

    Also, who said we have to attend just one church? I am reminded of the circuit-riders of old. Maybe you are a circuit-rider of sorts??

    Best advice for you right now? Call or email the pastor who went out of his way to invite you to his church, and mull things over with him!!
