Have you ever thought what roots are set in? Naturally, roots of plants are (most often) set in dirt or soil. This is good, for the water and minerals, mixed with sunlight, lets the plants grow strong and mighty. Eventually, with hope, the plant can reproduce or feed a consumer like a human or a goat.
But…. That soil the plant is placed in is just really small rocks, mixed in with other minerals and a bit of organic matter. But rocks!? Something that seems so… inhospitable, so incapable of growing anything! Rocks only serve two purposes in my life: to stub my toe, or if the rock is big enough, to sit down on when I fall tired.
Yet, these small rocks help create life. From the most unlikely of places, we find life… we find hope. It reminds me of the wisdom I once gathered from Gary Mitchell. The story of most good things comes from the most unlikely candidate.
Culturing the “unlikely” in my life is a challenge when life is so fast-paced. I place all of my eggs in the “likely” basket, so much that I often miss the true incubator of hope, peace, and change. What all have I missed for not investing in the “unlikely”?
One day, even all that Mount Everest is today will become soil, and the soil will turn over to life. It is a long time in the future, and it seems so unlikely, but one day…. one day….
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