Monday, January 16, 2012

Anticipation of a Different Sort

The start to this adventure feels different than the last time.  I’m a real college student now so the nerves aren’t hitting like they did in August.  The fear is gone… the unknown is suddenly known… My feeling is simply ready- ready to start the next chapter in my college career.

What is surprising to me is that I miss the novelty I felt last August.  Normally I hate the unknown, and I despise the butterfly-in-stomach feeling.  However, I like squelching that feeling more than I detest it, I suppose, and I miss my old adversary.  I wish I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first semester freshman at the moment, ready to tackle anything with my new pens and college-ruled paper.  Now I’m a second semester freshman and things aren’t scaring me.

Perhaps that is why I am slightly uneasy about tomorrow- I am too relaxed!  Not that I am just horribly nervous or depressed (read: I don’t need any phone calls or checkups- I’m fine.) I simply feel off guard.  Not unprepared, just as if  I’m waiting to see from which direction traffic is coming and there is not a car in sight to indicate the answer.

So this entire ramble was to say this.  I’m almost too comfortable about tomorrow, but at the end of the day, I know I will do fine, because I have confidence in something, probably confidence in confidence alone, to quote one of my favorite movie-songs (five points to whoever figures it out).

Oh, and it is nice to be back.


1 comment:

  1. really, Sound of Music quotes should not be issued as challenges. :)

    on another note, one of my theatre professors at college told us we should always be slightly off-guard. and always be a little nervous before stepping onstage. i think "slightly uneasy" qualifies. and be prepared to be surprised by what God is going to do!
