Friday, August 24, 2012

Being Recognized

Sunday I received a gift that I was not expecting.  I drove into church, as I typically do on a Sunday morning, went down the avenue, started to turn into the drive when I suddenly stopped.

The marquee had changed.

I read it quickly and realized that an addition had been made.  The last line of the marquee now read, "Colton Lott S.P.I."  

I received billing!  Most churches don't even recognize associate ministers on the marquee.  Youth ministers have an even slimmer chance.  And interns?  No way!

But my church did.  They put me up there for travelers to see.  I felt so loved and honored that even today, Friday, I am amazed at their generosity and care.

I think the secret is that we can often do the same.  Remembering and recognizing those around us is critical. When we emphasize that the important people in our lives are important, we figuratively open the door for "our people" to inhabit the niche they have created in our lives.  Things that are as simple as this can strengthen the bonds of community and shape the way that our friends and family hold and carry themselves.

I do not know how much work, consideration, or time it took for my church to put my name on our marquee, but I do know how much it meant, and for that I sincerely say thank you.

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