Sunday, October 2, 2011

World Communion Sunday

How interesting it is how God works in my life.  Today was World Communion Sunday, of which I had forgotten.  The celebration would normally not be too big of a thing, except for my experiences yesterday in which Belle and I talked extensively on communion.  How God must love me to put so much effort into me!

Anyhoo! It was your typical Disciples spiel; the sermon was on the unifying acts of communion that brings us all closer to the risen Christ, so that all may see Jesus face to face.  Lovely stuff, my only complaint was that Belle was not in attendance for a more elaborate take on how I feel (well, mostly.  I’m not going to say that any speaker accurately sums up all my beliefs or feelings with every nuance included- even if I am the orator!).  I love the idea of a meal that we are called to come to; a meal that calls us to be compassionate with our companions (learned today that companion meant literally, “the one you break bread with.” Neat, eh?). 

That really is all I have today for this incredibly short blog.  I have much to do with not much time to do it in- oh the dilemma of my life! 

Much heart, much love, much peace, much spirit, and much hope for this coming week in my most favorite month,



  1. God does love you and so do I.

  2. Of course! COMPANION! Cool! So very cool!
