Friday, September 9, 2011

Commenting Made Simple!

Okay, I know most of this information is to the right of the page (under the "About Me"), but I figured that it would be helpful to MANY people if I would post a slightly more in-depth instruction list on how to comment on my blogging.  This is very in depth.  I tried to write it as if I was talking to a person who was older than Methusalah trying to operate a computer.  So it SHOULD be easy to follow.

It is very simple, but the first time can seem a little, dare I say, frightening and confusing.  Don't panic!  A monkey with a wrench could figure this out.

After each blog there is a reddish bar that runs along the bottom.  In it is has buttons to link this blog to other sites, such as Facebook, or Twitter.  It also says what time I posted the blog.  Underneath all of that is a comments link.  It looks like text, but if you scroll your mouse over it, it will turn a different color (from gray to pink).  It will say something like "0 Comments", "2 Comments", or "534 Comments".  Click it to proceed.

You will then be taken to the commenting page.  Under the words "Post a Comment" there is a white box.  Click  in the box and the cursor comes up.  Write what you want to say (Ie- "This was terrible and my neutered cat could write something more flavorful than this!" or "This is the best article I have ever read in my life!  Please keep writing for the sake of all humanity!").  That's the easiest part! 

This is the hardest part.  After you are satisfied with your comment, look below the comment box.  There is a "Comment As:" then another small white box.  Click the down arrow and you will see many choices.  Click NAME/URL.  It will then ask for the information.  Put the name you want displayed in the name box and nothing else.  Do not worry with the URL, it will work fine without it.  Click continue.  Then click post comment.

It may ask you to put in weird funky letters.  Just type them in accurately.  Not hard, it's to stop computers from blanketing the world with spam.
You are done!*  You have just successfully commented on one of my blogs, and I thank you very much for taking the time to do so.  If you ever do get a chance to leave a comment, I invite you to do so.  I absolutely love getting feedback.

*I do not guarantee this will work as advertised.  It did, however, work for both me and Meme.  I hope it works for everyone in the same manner.


  1. See! I promise, it does work!

  2. Are you talking about me..........:-p

    I tried to write it as if I was talking to a person who was older than Methusalah trying to operate a computer. So it SHOULD be easy to follow.

  3. Thank you for keeping the directions simple. I'm going to try this. If it works-great! If not-not so great.

  4. Gee, now I feel really foolish! At first I only read part of the directions. Reading directions is not one of my fortes. (Forte: French, thanks to Wm the Conquerer.) You would think I would have learned the "direction-reading lesson" 30 years ago! The summer before I went to college I received a housing notification in the mail. In my usual haste I filled it out assuming that it was a housing confirmation. When I arrived on campus I learned that in fact I had cancelled my housing! Sad day with a happy ending! So by only partially reading your directions when I got to "Comment as:" I didn't know what to do. SURPRISE! Thanks for the last paragraph of instructions. You have taught me how to properly comment. I've broken comment etiquette, haven't I? Comments are supposed to be short!

  5. Thank you so much for the language learning plug! May I quote you in my accptance speech when I am granted the Czar of World Langauges at the United Nations?

  6. Steve- And it commented. And God said it was good.

    Querida Señora- Well, we each have our problems. What did you end up doing for housing? And don't worry about long comments, I rather like them!! Thanks SO much for reading.
    Naturally, you can quote whatever you like. Oh, and the verb conjugation in Spanish is more similar to verb conjugation in Greek than one would think. Thought you should know. :)
